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Promote Growth and Collaboration with Unified Sales and Marketing Platforms

Unify teams, promote growth, and streamline communication with a sales and marketing platform. These tools combine multiple functions into one suite with streamlined integrations that save time spent troubleshooting incompatible applications and managing data across separate platforms.

Align sales and marketing to generate quality leads, engage customers, and nurture relationships to grow your business.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

CRM enables your entire business to become more customer-centric by collecting and organising data about customers in one central place that everyone can see and use. It can automatically collect and store data like a contact’s website, email, telephone, social media handles, and all their previous interactions with your company, and it may also include other information like news about the person or business.

Salespeople can use the information in a CRM system to quickly identify their best prospects and create more personalised lines of communication with them. Marketers can connect their CRM system to a marketing automation platform (MAP) and other tools in their MarTech stack, to enable seamless data import and export. This helps them supercharge their campaigns with highly targeted and personalised messages that generate leads at scale. Then, they can move those leads down the sales funnel with effective nurturing campaigns. This all leads to a more efficient, effective, and profitable business.

Lead Management

Managing volumes of business inquiries, frequently termed leads, is an ongoing challenge for businesses. Without proper processes and technology, important information can get lost in the shuffle or mishandled in a way that reduces the inquiry’s potential value to your business.

Lead management is a bridge between two vital domains within your business: marketing and sales. When these departments align seamlessly, they forge a unified strategy that maximises efficiency and nurtures relationships.

Lead management begins with lead generation, a process that includes marketing tactics like social media, content syndication, email campaigns, multichannel campaigns, third-party leased lists, and trade shows. Next comes lead scoring and qualification, a process that determines which leads are MQLs (marketing qualified leads) and SQLs (sales qualified leads). Finally, lead nurturing is key to the entire lead management cycle, helping re-engage and convert these leads into customers. Even after a customer is sold, nurturing can continue to drive repeat and upselling opportunities.

Sales Automation

Many sales managers hesitant to use automation tools cite fears that it will rob their business of the personal touch necessary to build relationships with customers. But, while automated processes can’t replace the human element of one-on-one communication with prospects and clients, they can take care of a lot of the grunt work. This might include marketing email automation that automatically subscribes a prospect to emails targeted to their stage in the sales process, or meeting scheduling software that allows them to skip long email chains and set up appointments instantly. Give GoHighLevel 30 day trial a go and you’ll learn alot!

When selecting an automation tool, look for solutions that provide reporting and data analysis. This will save time for your team while still allowing them to get up to speed quickly on sales-related metrics. Additionally, it’s important that the tool is easy to use. Overly complicated systems can be frustrating and lead to apathy toward the platform. Be careful about how triggers and notifications are implemented as well, as unnecessary spam can also turn off customers.

Marketing Automation

Marketing automation is a powerful tool that helps businesses streamline and manage their marketing efforts. This includes email and social media marketing, managing ads, and more. Through this, marketers can better understand their customers’ behaviour and create more targeted and measurably effective campaigns that deliver a more unified experience for their leads and customers.

This is particularly useful in B2B markets, where sales cycles may be lengthy and involve a variety of influencers and decision-makers. It can also help automate lead prioritisation, which frees up more time for marketers to focus on developing a strong relationship with potential leads and closing deals.

The best marketing automation tools will include features that simplify the management of customer data and provide insights into marketing performance. This will enable marketers to identify which content works best with each type of audience, improving their effectiveness over time. Examples of such tools include Salesforce Pardot, which helps improve sales and marketing alignment, and Keap, which offers an omnichannel approach to CRM and provides automated email reminders for key events like birthdays.